Tesla plans a Louisville 'dealership.' Kentucky law could complicate that

Tesla plans a Louisville 'dealership.' Kentucky law could complicate that

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) – In April, a Denver-based company that has done real estate work for electric car giant Tesla submitted plans for a “vehicle dealership” in eastern Jefferson County. 

The plans call for indoor and outdoor sales areas, service bays, more than 200 parking spaces and using an existing building on Gateworth Way in Middletown.Play Video

But Kentucky law poses a complication, since it largely bans auto manufacturers from owning, operating or controlling a dealership. Instead, that power rests with local franchises.

Tesla, however, long has resisted those local arrangements. It favors company-owned stores and direct sales, part of a strategy that co-founder and CEO Elon Musk has said reflects Tesla’s unique technology and approach

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